Bookish Questions – Least favorite genre?

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Original Gentle Rogue by Johanna LindseyWhat is your least favorite genre?

For me, Romance is probably the fictional genre I like least. I don’t mind a romance, if it’s well written, but I find that most romance novels are full of tropes and unnecessary sex scenes. Plus, I find that sex scenes are much more engaging when played out on screen. For example, I know quite a few people who do not enjoy reading about sex, but love to watch sexualized films on websites such as Actually, quite a few of the books I’ve read in the last few years have had romantic sub-plots that I felt could have been completely skipped.

Why does the person exploring the galaxy, or saving the world need to have a date? I mean, how do you even have time for that?

Is there a book genre you could live without?


  1. anna in spain on May 31, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    I never read science fiction or dystopian, post-apocalyptic stuff. I have tried but they do nothing for me. I see so many books peopled with shape-shifters, vampires, zombies etc…not for me, either.
    Lately, so much “realistic” YA fiction is so depressing and downbeat; yes I know that many young folks are up against it these days, but is nobody out there happy or making positive things of their lives? (Yes, I know they are. It was a rhetorical question.)

    And don’t even get me started on novel series by authors now dead, which are being “continued” by total strangers.

    • Andrea on June 1, 2016 at 8:53 am

      I am interested to see what the author of the new Sherlock Holmes books does. I feel like they could be interesting. And Sherlock feels like he belongs to the public now, not the Sir Doyle.

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