WIP Wednesday – Photobook Edition
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I’ve spent some spare time over the last couple of days scanning in old family photos for a photo book that I’m working on for my mom. It was her Mother’s Day present this year, but we had to tell her about it, as we needed the photos from her, and we are including my grandmother’s poems, which we needed her to proof for errors when we typed them up from the original hand written versions. I’ll probably be sharing a few of those poems over the coming weeks.
- Beehives at the Scott Orchard
- Ruby with baby Ann (Rumble) Hyneman
- Ruby with son Scott Rumble
- Ruby Rumble with Bozo
- Elmer and Ruby Rumble
- Orpha (Woods) Scott, Lois Lasley, Ruby Rumble, and Mildred Binkley. Photo taken following Ernest Noble Scott’s funeral.
I’m using Mixbook to create and print the book. I’ve used them for a few other photobooks in the past and always been pleased with their service and the quality of their products. I also love how simple their WISYWIG editor is. As long as you have a good connection to the internet and can drag and drop your images, you can use it. But it also allows for some more creative editing, if you’re into that sort of thing. You can see a preview of the book I’m working on below.
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