Mildred Jane @ 22 Months
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We’re getting closer and closer to 2 years every day, and Milli is starting to show it, even if she isn’t getting much bigger. I weighed her last night as we’re still not quite 22lbs. There is seriously a 6-month-old baby at the sitter who is as big as her. But that’s OK. Mil packs a lot of cute into her tiny frame.
She’s been using a lot more words lately, by which I mean words that we can understand. I think the cutest thing she’s said lately was when she woke up feeling bad one night a couple weeks ago. She was bawling her eyes out, so we went down to get her. I picked Mil up and asked her what was wrong. Her response….. “I crying!” It was the most heartrendingly adorable thing, for the middle of the night. Of course, now any time she’s upset she makes a crying noise and tells you that she’s crying.
It hasn’t all been sadness though, she had a wonderful Christmas this year, and is still enjoying playing with all of her new toys. And reading all the books that she can get to from her new bookshelf.
Needless to say, Milli doesn’t need much for her birthday. I’m thinking outside toys… or ya know, if someone wants to take her to the zoo for a day or something, that would be cool too.
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Precious, sweet, cute, baby doll! Lucky you…
Thank you. She is adorable… most of the time.