10 on the 10th – March
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Thanks to the lovely Daenel over at Living Outside the Stacks, I've discovered one of those fun old-school Blog Questionnaires. And I'm super excited to participate.
This one is called 10 on the 10th, and is a list of 10 questions that we can answer to tell you more about ourselves each month. It's hosted by Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After and Marsha at Marsha in the Middle.
I'm pretty excited to jump into these spring themed questions, so let's get started!

Favorite Thing About Spring | Favorite Season
My favorite thing about spring is the return of sunshine. The dark days of winter are rough on my overall mental health, and seeing that sunshine brightens my mood. Though, I also love the rain we get in the spring. I'd love nothing more than to be able to spend a day curled up in a window watching the rain come down while I enjoy some tea and a good book. I think this is why I enjoy spring and fall so much, even though they both wreak havoc on my allergies.
What Puts a Spring in your Step? What do you favorite Shoes Look Like?
I think I'm just too tired to have a spring in my step anymore. I feel like I need a nap more often than I feel energized, which is probably why my favorite shoes are so boring.
I basically live in my Sperry boat shoes. I have a basic tan pair that are overly beat up, but I wear them pretty much everywhere. They are so comfortable and seem to go with everything.
What are your favorite shoes like?
Saint Patrick's Day is coming up. Are you Irish?
Thanks to a family member who has done a lot of ancestry research, I know that most of my family is Scottish, with a little Irish and English mixed in.
What flowers make your perfect spring boquet? What is your favorite floral fragrance?
I love tulips in the spring. But they don't seem to hold up well cut into a bouquet, so I stick with having a few of the bright red ones planted in my yard. I keep thinking I should add some more, but I'm not sure where to plant them.
Concerning floral scents, I'm not a big fan, probably because I'm basically allergic to the outside. The closest thing to a floral scent in my house is my Lemon Verbena dish soap, which I do love the smell of.
Spring Cleaning - a necessary evil or overrated? Do you have a favorite cleaning tip or product?
I absolutely hate cleaning. I'm a messy person by nature, which my husband hates. I do well to have surfaces that aren't clutters with things I've set down and forgotten about. So, when I do clean, it's a lot of work, moving everything to proper homes and getting all the dust off. A can of pledge and some flour sack cloths are definitely well loved at our house.
Slinkies are coiled SPRING toys. Did you ever have a slinky? Silly Putty? What was your favorite toy as a child.
I definitely had slinkys and silly putty as a kid. They were fun, but never held my attention for long. I definitely preferred to play with my cool castle blocks. I even found a vintage set of the Chadwick Castle Blocks that I purchased for my tiny human to play with as well.
When we "spring forward" what do you hope to do with the extra daylight?
I'm just excited that it's dark a little later again. I don't normally get out of bed until about 7am, and I'll be happy for it to be dark until it's time for me to get up. Now, once it warms up a bit, Mil and I will use the extra daylight in the evenings to play outside.
What colors will you be wearing this spring?
I do have some bright spring colors in my closet, but honestly, I tend to stick with neutrals, so you'll probably mostly see me in shades of grey and tan or "salted caramel" as we're calling it these days.
What will you be reading this spring?
I have a giant TBR list, but I'm a mood reader at heart. I'm always going to pick which book feels right at the moment. I'm currently reading a historical murder mystery set in Bombay, just after partition. But for my next book, I'm feeling YA Fantasy.
An Inspirational Thought or Spring Quote
It was one of those Match days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light an winter in the shade
-Charles Dickens, Great Expectations