
Professional ReaderAs a member of NetGalley, I am a professional reader, writing reviews of ARC (Advance Reader Copies) of upcoming books. Netgally allows me the chance to access some of these books for free, which makes reviewing books more affordable for me, as I am not paid for my book reviews. Read my reviews now.
Challenge ParticipantAs a member of NetGalley, I am also a reading advocate, advocating for people of all ages and economic backgrounds to read.

I am a member of ACM – The Association for Computing Machinery.  I have been a member of this professional organization since my time in the Computer Graphics Technology program at Purdue University. 

The ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field’s challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life‐long learning, career development, and professional networking.

As a part of this membership, I also belong to ACM SIGWEB, the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group in Hypertext and the Web. SIGWEB is a community of scholars, researchers, and professionals.  The community’s interests range widely including hypertext in all its forms, social networks, knowledge management, document engineering, digital libraries, and the Web as both an information tool and a social force.

And to ACM SIGGRAPH, the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group in Graphics. Their mission is to foster and celebrate innovation in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. The organization promotes its vision by bringing people together in physical, on-line, and asynchronous communities to invent, inspire, and redefine the many creative and technical artifacts, disciplines, and industries that are touched by computer graphics and interactive techniques

Having taken the Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge, I believe in inspiring others, and speaking my opinion freely, while still being mindful of other people’s feelings. Learn more about the Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge and take it for yourself.




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