
The Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett are loved by many people, and I am definitely one of them. The 1st Discworld novel I ever read, was Reaper Man, a part of the Death series.
It's a weird place to start, according to any of the recommendations on reading order for Discworld books, but it got me hooked. I've now read all of the books in the Death series and am working my way through the books on Witches and the Night Watch, finding new characters to love in each series.

Lord of the Rings
I first discovered Lord of the Rings when the OG Peter Jackson movies came out during my college years. At the time, I wasn't doing much reading outside of things for school, so it was a wonderful way to step back into the fantasy world.
I still own the original deluxe editions of each of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies, though now that I am back into reading I also have beautiful editions of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books. And if I'm feeling down, I just listen to a playlist of Howard Shore's music from the movies to feel better.

Hitchhiker's Guide
I first read Hitchhiker's in my late 20s, and fell madly in love with Douglas Adams' writing. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and it’s companion novels are among my book series. My OTP (One True Pairing) will always be Arthur Dent and Fenchurch, from this series of novels.
And how could you not love books that are full of useful information, like “Don’t Panic” and that “42” is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? I think it’s an important read for all of us residing in Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha.

Spy X Family
A friend recommended SPY X Family to me in early 2024. I'm now mad at him because he didn't tell me it was still ongoing, and now I have to wait for more episodes of the series to come out. I've even gotten my tiny human into this show.
Mil and I both love Anya Forger. She is so freaking adorable that I can hardly stand it, and I love the dynamics of her little family. Needless to say, I plan to purchase the manga so I can continue the story while waiting for new episodes.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Hulu recommended this anime to me when I finished watching SPY X Family, so I decided to give it a try. It wasn't what I was expecting based on the description provided, but I'm very glad I watched it, and definitely recommend it to anyone who likes cute and cozy things.

Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket is a lovely little story, and what lead me to discover that I do like Shoji Anime, tho that's not how I would generally describe the anime that I prefer. I love the magical realism in the story, preferring the original 2019 version of the anime to the newer one.