A little music for the weekend
It’s Friday afternoon, and I’m trying to drag myself through the rest of my day. And what better way, than a good music mix?
Read More2011 Young Farmer’s Convention
I just got back from the 2011 young farmer’s convention yesterday. I had a really good time. Matt & I drove up with his brother Sam on Friday evening and got to the hotel around 8:30 Indy time. They played several games, including “Win it in a Minute” and “Cornhole.” The next day we got up…
Read MoreWhat’s your personal DNA?
Personality tests can be extremely fun to take and can provide you with some surprising results. Some people might prefer to take an online quiz, whilst others may prefer to take a nutritional DNA test. The DNA tests can tell you all about your genetic makeup and your behavioral characteristics, perhaps I’ll have to take…
Read MoreImprovising
My improv troupe is looking for a name. We’re a subsidiary of the local theatre company, but really want to have our own identity. So far we have come up with a few interesting ideas, including: Square Tires and Slow-Running Possum Stew. While those are pretty funny, we want to be sure that we pick…
Read MoreHappy 2011
Happy new year to everyone out there in blog land. I’ve decided that a good way to start the year, would be to make a post, as I’ve not taken the time to do this recently. Hopefully, I can catch you up with everything that has been going on, without boring you too much.
Read More2010 Farm Bureau Convention
This was the first time I’ve ever been to the State Farm Bureau Convention. It was an interesting experience. I was shocked how many farmers were willing to pay $30 for the meals at the convention, as well as how few young people were actually there. I’d heard my Matt say that the Farm Bureau…
Read MoreHere for the Food #1
I love to bake, but I pretty well fail at all other cooking. This is because I can follow a recipe, but I generally lack the understanding of what is happening with the food, to do any real cooking. Because I this, and my love of Alton Brown’s show Good Eats, I am working my…
Read MoreSmall Business Saturday!
Apparently there is a movement this year, albeit, started by a large corporation, to support small businesses this Christmas season. Next Saturday, November, 27th, 2010 is the first ever Small Business Saturday!
Read MoreSnakes in school
This is only slightly embellished. As children ran screaming down the hallway I fought back through the crowd to see what the commotion was. At the end of the hallway I found two students dragging another who had apparently passed out from fright. The Art teacher was holding the door shut with all of her…
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