Bookish Questions – How many books do you own?

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How many books do you own?

This is the type of question likely to get me in trouble, and my husband will be the first to tell you that he thinks I’m a hoarder.  And while I do have lots of “things,” I don’t consider it hoarding if it’s books.

Resource Materials

Not including magazines and similar source materials, I have about 35 books in my office at work right now.  The majority of them are text and reference books, though I do have a small collection of art books in my office.

My home office also has a small selection of reference books (about 10), though I should really just bring them to my office at the university, as I’m much more likely to want to reference them at work.

I also have a decent sized collection on sewing/quilting books.  A total of 27, not including magazines and individual pattern books. 

That brings my total number of resource books to 72.

Just for Reading

Most of my books are on display in a large bookcase in my dining room.  I hadn’t taken the time to count them before, so I was surprised to find that I’d managed to fit 201 books on those shelves.  Granted one shelf has 45 Nancy Drew novels on it, so those books being on the smaller side made a lot more books fit in the space.

I also have 93 books in storage right now (yes, I counted them).  Some are stored up high in a closet, where I basically can’t get to them.  Those are mostly books that I’m hoping to read sometime in the near future. And there are also books stored in boxes, which I have read that are waiting to be loaned out or donated.

That’s a total of 294 books for reading.  I’m pretty impressed with myself that I’ve managed to keep that number under 100.  Of course, I didn’t include magazines or digital copies of books. 

That’s How Many?

This means that I personally own at least 366 physical books. (I’m sure I’ve missed a few somewhere.)  I’m both surprised and not surprised by that number.  It doesn’t feel like I own a lot of books, but that is a big number.  I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t decide to count the books that belong to Matt and Milli.

How many books do you own?





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  1. anna on August 10, 2017 at 10:03 am

    If I had your mad skillz I could c/p an image someone sent me today, but I don’t, so I can’t.
    It showed a bookshop with people browsing, and said: “Abibliophobia: The irrational fear of running out of new books to read.”

    That is NOT an irrational fear! I can think of nothing worse than a night of insomnia when I’ve forgotten to charge my ebook readers. It has happened. Pure torture!

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