Stir – A Review
Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals That Brought Me Home by Jessica Fechtor is the 1st book I was accepted to review for and I couldn’t think of a better book to start with. Stir will be released on June 23rd, 2015. So what’s this book about anyway? A Synopsis – At 28, Jessica…
Read MoreFriday Favorites- Kitchen Dreams
I’ve been dreaming of a new kitchen lately. I’m sure it won’t happen in the very near future, but I can still dream. I am constantly scrolling through looking at all of the new kitchen features they have. I really can’t get enough! I think I would go for a navy blue or grey…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Secret Shot
I love taking photos of people when they don’t realize it. I think this comes from the fact that I used to hate having my photo taken, and some people I know still do. That means it’s easier to catch a smile when people don’t know I’m taking a photo. And have you noticed how…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Light
As an amateur photographer, light is something I struggle with. My indoor photos are often yellow, and if it’s sunny, my outdoor photos can look washed out. Fortunately, I recently read part of the manual for my camera and discovered how “scenes” settings on my camera works. It’s helped me a lot. Does your camera…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Say Cheese!
Do you feel like your smile is more honest when you’re taking a selfie or when someone else is taking your photo? For me, I feel like my smiles are more honest when I don’t have someone in front of me telling me to “Say Cheese!” Of course, if I’m comfortable with my photographer, we’re…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Take My Picture
Since I like to share my fashion choices in my instagram feed, I’m often asking Julie, my office mate to take photos of me. It’s something I don’t mind to ask her to do, since she sometimes asks me to do the same thing. How do you feel about asking other people to take photos…
Read More#OurProject52 – Black and White
I love black and white photography. My digital camera even takes photos in black and white, though I’ve never used that feature of the camera. I haven’t actually shot in black and white since high school when I did it with real black and white film. Because of that, when I do black and white,…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – In My Own Photos
More often than not, my photos tend to be of nature, and of details. Because of that, I’m not in my own photos very often. And when I am in my instagram feed, the photos tend to be full of my shoes, my skirts, and my necklaces, but rarely all of me. How often are…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – My Better Side
I’ve never subscribed much to the idea that one side of my face is better than the other in photos. The only real rule I have about getting better photos of my face is that I don’t love shots that are straight on, because when I smile, I sometimes get one eye that is squintier…
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