#NaBloPoMo – My Feelings
This guy has all of my feelings. Ok… him and the cat.
Read More#NaBloPoMo – My Passion
Today’s #NaBloPoMo photo prompt is “Your Passion.” It was tougher than I thought to choose one thing as my passion. I did finally narrow it down to a couple of things, though. I absolutely love to quilt. The ability to create with fabric is amazing. And if there’s ever an apocalypse, my husband and I…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – To Selfie or Not To Selfie?
I love a good selfie. Granted, they can be totally overdone, but sometimes you just need to take one. I even went as a selfie for Halloween last year. I actually hope to eventually have a mirror cut to fit the hole and hang this as you walk into my office at work. Of course…
Read More#OurProject52 – Out of Focus
Do you ever feel out of focus? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately, and I know it’s been seeping into the blog. I can’t remember the last time I had a finished sewing project to share with you. Ok, I can remember when it was, but let’s just say it was a while ago. Instead…
Read MoreBook It
4 months into my goal of reading more this year, and I’m discovering many amazing books I never would have chosen otherwise. (You can see the goals for my reading list on the 2015 Reading List from PopSugar.) I’ve been reading so much, that I had to re-arrange my shelves in the living room to…
Read More#OurProject52 – Sun Flares
This week’s #OurProject52 photography challenge was rather difficult. Not because photos of sun flares are hard to take, but because the sun has been playing hide and seek all week. That meant that most of my attempts at catching a sun flare this week have turned out as more of a sun glare – taken…
Read More#OurProject52 – Macro
I turned 30 yesterday – birthday selfie time! and as I get older I find myself more interested in the details than in the big picture. Maybe that’s why I love shooting macro photos. Getting up close to things makes for some great textures and unexpected views. Do you find yourself taking photos of details?…
Read More30 Years
Happy birthday to me! I turned 30 today.That’s right the big 3-0. Now since I’m 6 days older than my husband, I’ll get to hear about being an old lady for the next few days, but I certainly don’t feel old. Some interesting facts about today- besides it being my birthday: I share my birthday…
Read More#OurProject52 – Easter
We had a lovely Easter this year at my Dad’s house. We celebrated with my sister Kayla and her husband Shane, my step-brothers David & Jeremy, their wives and kids, and my dad and his wife Carolyn. And thanks for Danielle for taking a few photos I was in. 🙂 How was your Easter? Sharing…
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