#NaBloPoMo – My Mind’s Made Up
I’m the type of crafter who needs to see what my project will look like before I get started, so I often spend a lot of time in the planning stage mapping out what my projects will look like before I get started. But of course, that can’t always be the case. There are times…
Read More#OurProject52 – Hearts
Hearts seem to be the theme everywhere this week. It’s the theme for this week’s Project Quilting challenge as well as the theme for #OurProject52 this week. When I originally looked at the theme sheet for #OurProject52, I was surprised that Hearts was for the week after Valentine’s Day and not the week before. I…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Happy
I used to spend a lot of my time trying to make other people happy. Then I discovered something- you can’t make everyone happy. Especially if you want to be happy too. So now I just do my crafting projects for me. No special orders or requests and if you’re lucky enough to get one,…
Read MoreWilmington Prints Trunk Show
I was lucky enough to attend the Wilmington Prints Trunk Show at Let’s Sew on Valentine’s Day. It was a lot of fun to see some of the great things we could make with Wilmington’s yardage and pre-cut 2.5″ strips. The Square Knot quilt was lovely and features a lot of the essentials lines which…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Mistakes
If you’re anything like me, then you are always making mistakes in your projects. When I’m quilting, I usually just work with the mistakes, making them part of the quilt, though I will rip out seams when I forget to sew right sides together. I’m surprisingly good at sewing fabric together the wrong way, but…
Read MoreThe Art of Grace Benedict
Last month the University had a lovely art show featuring the drawings of Grace Benedict. Many types of artists have shows in the Dunn Art Gallery, and I enjoy seeing so many different styles of work, but it was particularly nice to see drawings in the gallery again. Most of Benedict’s drawings are self-portraits, incorporating…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – Why make the bed?
Seriously, why make the bed? You’re just going to get back in it in a few hours. Now, I do occasionally make the bed- but that’s only when I change the sheets. I just don’t see the point otherwise. The mess the sheets are in when I get up in the morning is exactly how…
Read More#OurProject52 – Eyes
The theme for this week’s #OurProject52 challenge is Eyes. I love photos of eyes. As much of a cliche as it is, eyes are the windows to the soul. They are what give you a glimpse into a person’s thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, eyes are not on of my strong points when taking photos. I…
Read More#NaBloPoMo – I Wish They Still Wrote Letters
Today’s prompt for #NaBloPoMo was difficult for me. Being the technical person that I am, I love living in this century, so there isn’t much I can think of that isn’t made anymore that I wish still was. I would have said Crispy M&Ms, but they brought those back, so I had to come up…
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