Buy Lipitor Buy Plavix Buy Prednisolone Buy Sildenafil Orange is a color between yellow and red in the color spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 590 and 610 nanometers. You can see more orange pictures in my Orange Pinboard.
Read MoreJust Another Manic Monday
It’s just another manic Monday… I have so much to do! During lunch today I need to stop by the house to pick up the checkbook and get down to Ft. Branch to pick up an order of shirts from our local screenprinter for my dad. Then I have to hussle back to Princeton to The Farmer’s Daughter,…
Read MoreFashion Friday – Lions & Tigers & Giraffes?
Today is my first Fashion Friday blog post. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. I got the idea from Maryam over at Pamplemousse, who does Wardrobe Wednesdays. I figure that I love clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup…. so why not do this too? I’ll tell you why…. It’s almost impossible to take a photo of…
Read MoreEdith Head
This week’s thought is brought to you by Edith Head, and is in honor of a new feature I will be starting tomorrow – Fashion Fridays. Your dresses should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady. ~Edith Head Edith Head was born on October 28, 1897,…
Buy Levitra Professional Buy Topamax Buy Wellbutrin The hue of the long-wave end of the visible spectrum, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 630 to 750 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue resembles that of blood; one of…
Read MoreA Summer Outing
Yesterday (July 30th) was the 2011 District 9 Farm Bureau Young Farmer’s Summer Outing. Quite a mouthful, huh? Last year’s trip was a blast, but so was this year’s trip. Blue Heron Winery We started the day with a tour of Blue Heron Winery, near Cannelton, IN. Everyone had a lot of fun at the…
Read MorePeacock Feather Jewelry
Peacocks are beautiful creatures, the male with it’s blue and green tail feathers spread wide. When I was little, grama and grampa had a neighbor across the road who kept peacocks (and peahens). One of my favorite memories was setting at a window watching the birds, when they came over to eat my grama’s flowers visit. …
Read MoreAnother Fair Gone By
Another fair has gone by, and thank goodness. I feel like I’m getting much too old for all of the late nights. At least next year, I’ll rank 2 weeks vacation at my job. That means that I’ll actually be able to take an entire week off of work for fair, something that I should…
Read MoreFireworks
Photos from last Saturday’s fireworks display at the Gibson County Fairgrounds. The fireworks are sponsored each year by Princeton Area Betterment. Photos taken using a Cannon EOS 7D.
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