#NaBloPoMo – Buy this one.
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While I love to make things when I can, there are few things in life that I feel better about buying.

Wet Preserved Dyed Pink Octopus Tentacles in Heart Jar from XsForEyes on Etsy.
For example: I will never make my own taxidermy pieces. I just don’t have the skill set for that. Though I think one or two well placed pieces would look great in my home. That means I will probably look for some nice vintage pieces via Etsy and Ebay.

Mounted Deer Head Fantasy Being via HotPinkPistol on Flickr.
Is there anything you would love to have in your home, but would never make yourself?
That octopus thing is really…um…yeah. ;P
Nothing against octopus tentacles in salad, but not on the mantlepiece!
I’d love to have a real silk kimono, but would never try to make one. (Cause I have seen my work!)
And shelves, or cupboards, anything in the carpentry/home repair line.
In terms of food, I love to experiment. I heard about a slightly fermented drink called “kvass” in Russian. I asked my Russian friend-the-cook if it was hard to make and she said, “Don’t try to make it at home, you can buy it cheaply!” and told me where to get it. Yes, I like it–it’s odd but grows on you quickly–and I can see that at 1.50 Euros for 2 litres it’s not worth trying to make here in this tiny apartment.
I don’t think I’d try to make food I could get that cheap either. And, yes, I will fully admit to being weird for wanting octopus tentacles on my mantle. 😉