My Stapler
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Funny story: at 20 weeks baby Turner is the size of a Swingline stapler. If you’ve seen the 1999 movie Office Space, then you know the one I’m talking about. If not, reference photos below.

Screenshot from “Office Space”
And, yes, I am a huge nerd. I have my very own red Swingline stapler at the office. And, I have to admit that posing with a stapler is much more fun the posing with a banana (which was this week’s produce reference, and the only non-circular fruit they use). All of this is to say, that Spot is now roughly 10 ounces and 6.5-inches long.
This is the official halfway mark to the full 40-week term that doctors like for you to have, and means I’m halfway to my April 5th due date, tho I’m told children rarely show up on their actual due date.
A couple of exciting things have happened in the last week. I’m finally starting to show (at least when sitting), and I’ve determined that the weird feelings I’ve been getting, almost like a mouse running across the inside of my stomach, are indeed Spot. I’ve also had no major complaints in the last week, aside from some pain in my hips and shoulders as I try to learn to sleep on my side.
Of course, the most exciting thing is that tomorrow is our anatomy scan. That means you have one more day to place bets on the baby’s sex. You know you want to!