Art Prints on Society 6
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A little while back, I decided to set up a webstore on Society 6. The store allows me to create and sell prints of my work directly to customers online. Right now, the store consists of a few pieces of my traditional art, along with a couple digital designs as well. I've even chosen to include a couple of the process art pieces that Mil and I created together.
Mixed Media Art Prints
Summer Flower is a mixed media piece featuring watercolor, ink, and acrylic, which - I hope - evokes the feeling of summer sunshine.
Nighttime Botanical is a mixed media piece featuring a color palette inspired by the night sky, with gold accents. The piece was made using watercolor, ink, acrylic, and collage.
Made with watercolor, ink, and acrylic, Sunrise Flower is a mixed media piece featuring a deep purple flower against the sunrise colors of pink, red, and orange.
Digital Art Prints
My Space series is a collection of 12 prints featuring bright colors and a galactic theme. The designs are also available in black and white.
Process Art Prints
Maelstrom is a process art piece that Mil and I made together. It features "goth glue" and a watercolors.
Sunrise Over the Ocean is a process art piece that Mil & I worked on together, using liquid watercolor and gold acrylic.
I'd love it if you took a moment to visit my shop and look at the products.