Quick Stats
Since craft month has worked so well at keeping me crafting on a regular basis… I’m hoping that the blog will help me get back to working out again, and maybe loosing some of the weight I gained after I got married. Basic Information – Today – Tuesday March 29th, 2011 Height: 5’4″ Weight: 135.8 lbs…
Read MoreThings That Make Me Feel Better
Ever had one of those days, when absolutely nothing makes you happy. You’ve spent all day in meetings… your house is a mess… and even with a house full of food, you can’t find a thing to cook? That’s how I felt yesterday. But that’s ok. Leave it to the cat to make everything better.…
Read MoreWee Bit – March 23rd
{one} what was your first job? i worked at the chopped ice hut, officially known as the “Tropical Sno” making sno cones all summer. {two} have you ever seen a stand up comedian? i’ve seen people stand up and tell jokes, but not real comedians. {three} when was the last time you played mini golf?…
Read MoreA Little History
Because it’s St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I ought to take a little time to honor my Irish heritage. Now, granted, I don’t know a whole lot about my family history. It’s not something that got discussed much while I was growing up. I should probably use something like Genealogy Bank (which you can visit…
Read MoreIn the Shoppe
It’s been a while since I posted anything about the Etsy shop. Of course, it’s been a while since I posted any new items to the shop. I’ve been much too busy doing my National Craft Month projects to make anything for the shop, however once Craft Month is over, there are several projects which…
Read MoreBackstage with Dave (at the Opry)
Matt & I went down to Nashville to the Opry yesterday. It was a pretty long trip, but it was a lot of fun. The main reason that we went was that our friend Dave was the guest announcer on the Opry. This is the second time that Dave has been a guest announcer at the…
Read MoreWee Bit: March 9th
{one} what color is your kitchen? off white, the color of the rest of my house. (We rent) {two} do you have a good luck charm? my husband. {three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil? Sharpies! I can never keep a pencil. {four} can you use chopsticks? I love to use them……
Read MoreWee Bit: March 2nd
It’s time yet again for another Wee Bit Wednesday. Find out more about me than you ever wanted to know. {one} do you wear holey jeans? if so, do you buy them that way? i never buy jeans with holes. I like crisp dark jeans. The only way I wear them with holes are when…
Read MoreDear Blog
My dearest blog, I do apologize for ignoring you of late. It really isn’t you. It’s me. I have been very busy, and just haven’t taken the time I should to update you on all of the things that have been going on in my life.
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