Crafty Finds
Another year of the Vanderburg County Homemakers Craft Show has come and gone. And this year, we almost missed it. Mom and I had planned to spend the day shopping at some of the antique stores in town, but my mother-in-law’s birthday was coming up, so I wanted to take a quick trip down to…
Read MoreSmall Finishes
This last week has been a week of small finishes. It has been nice to have several small completed projects. I made myself a couple of hotpads with left over blocks from my the quilt I made my mom for Mother’s Day. I made myself a second version of the Grainline Scout Tee. And I…
Read MoreListen While You Work
As a sewist, and general creative person, I find that I need some background noise while I work. A little something to distract from all of the other ideas floating around in my head. I have a playlist that I love to listen to when I’m sewing, and another that I listen to when I…
Read MoreAdding to the Stash
This weekend, a family friend was nice enough to give me some of her mom’s old sewing stash. I had so much fun going through everything. Check out these amazing fabrics. I’m especially in love with the wool in the center. It might make a great coat or a fun bag. And there were also…
Read MoreOffice Space
About a month ago, I moved offices at my day job. I’d been in my old office since I started working at the university – that’s more than 5 years. I shared my old office with 2 other people, so it was somewhat lacking in privacy. Mind you, we had partition walls and similar things…
Read MoreNunsense
Last week I was lucky enough to get to take photos of the Broadway Players production of Nunsense. It was a great show, and I hope that those of you who live near me got a chance to see it. For everyone else, here are a few fun moments from the show.
Read MoreWorks (not) in Progress
We interrupt this regularly scheduled Works in Progress post to share with you how my projects did in open class at the fair. (Mostly because it’s fair week so I’ve done ZERO sewing since my last update.) I entered 3 quilts in open class this year, one in each of the categories I had a…
Read MoreMy Favorite Quilt
I’d love to say that my favorite quilt is always the one that I am working on, but I have somehow grown very attached to my Steampunk Crazy Quilt. For those of you that are regulars on the blog, I’m sure that you’re tired of hearing about it, but I really do love it. Tell…
Read MoreFriday Finds: The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree
I recently finished a fabulous book, written by the author S. A. Hunt. He’s an author you’ve never heard of, but that’s ok. I hadn’t heard of him either until I ran across his book The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree on BookBub. At the time, The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree was available as…
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