WIP Wednesday

closeup of 12" block

After about a year long hiatus, I finally got back in my sewing space a couple weeks ago.  Granted, that was mostly to convert the space to do crafting with Milli, but that meant cleaning up in the sewing area.  And somehow, the easiest way to clean up my sewing projects is to finish them,…

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Friday Favorites

valentine iSpy discs from Back To Basics Curriculum

I haven’t written up a Friday Favorites post in ages, but with Valentine’s Day coming up, it seemed like a great time to share something that made a great stocking-stuffer for my tiny human, and is also perfect for Valentine’s. Just before Christmas, while looking for stocking-stuffers for Mil that weren’t cheap throwaway items, I…

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Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime

I’m doing my best to make Christmastime magical for Milli, even though doing all the things can sometimes trigger my anxiety.  I feel like it’s important for Mil to have happy memories of her childhood, especially of the holidays.  That’s why I made sure to add a couple things to our Christmas traditions this year.…

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Friday Favorites

Jewelry I’m loving these geometric stud earrings from Foxy Originals right now. I got them in a previous Causebox order and find myself wearing them all the time. They have a great simple design, and because each pair is in a different metal, they really do go with everything. Makeup Wearing a mask all the…

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Book Journaling

I’m back in the office now, but I spent most of my time at home during the quarantine hanging out with Mil and journaling. I started myself a book journal, and made spreads for each of the books I’ve read so far this year. It was nice to get my thoughts about the books I’ve…

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What I’ve been up to —

I’ve been taking a bit of a break from the blog recently, but with everything going on in the world right now, I did want to assure you all that I’m still alive. Things are a little crazy right now, but I’m coping, with the help of my traditional journal and my new art journal.…

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Finished Baby Communique Quilt

I’ve had this little quilt done for a bit, but the weather has been too dreadful for photos. But, thanks to a lovely Sunday afternoon, and the hubs taking the tiny human with him on errands, I was finally able to get a few photos of this fun finish. This quilt uses my Baby Communique…

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WIP Wednesday

I’ve made some time to do a little sewing in these first few weeks of the year, and I’m happy to say that I’ve managed to accomplish a few things. The first is a new quilt top for the Scrap Quilt Challenge (#SQChallenge20 & #SQ9Patch on Instagram). The concept of the challenge is that each…

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Mental Health Monday – Hobbies

Welcome to a new year! I hope that everyone survived the holidays with minimal stress. And now that the busiest time of the year is over, let’s talk about getting back into a good routine for your mental health, by finding a hobby that helps you cope with your anxiety/depression. For me, that hobby is…

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