Fashion Friday – Geek Chic

Going though my old Fashion Friday posts, I’ve noticed that I’m wearing a dress or a skirt in almost all of them.  Now, I do love a good dress, but I don’t always dress up.  I think it’s about time you see what I wear outside of the office (and sometimes in it).  Today’s Fashion Friday is…

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Shopping Spree

Every year my mom and I go shopping for my birthday.  This year was no different, even if we did have to do it about a month after my actual birthday.  – Working on Kayla’s wedding, and life in general seems to keep most of my weekends booked – but we finially both got a…

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Kayla’s a Graduate

It was a super busy weekend at our house this weekend.  I spent most of Saturday down in Evansville to attend my little sister Kayla’s college graduation.  She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Math and Chemistry Education from University of Southern Indiana. It was interesting to go to her graduation, because I…

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Wit & Wisdom

Last night, Matt & I went to see Steve Smith – better known to many as “Red Green“.  For those of you who might have never heard of him before, Red Green was the “host” of a show called “Red Green” which ran on PBS stations in the US. WNIN, our local PBS station ran…

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Birthday Shopping

I love my husband, but I have decided that he is officially the hardest person to shop for – ever.  I went down to Evansville, after work, earlier this week to find him something for his birthday.  I started out at Barnes & Noble, thinking I might pick him up a book or two.  He…

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Happy Birthday to Me

For those of you who didn’t already know, yesterday was my birthday.  April 15th.  I usually like my birthday, but the last couple years there’s been one very annoying thing to deal with on my birthday.  Taxes.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against paying my fair share, but I hate that every…

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Busy Busy Busy

It’s been a busy few days here at MiMP.  I spent my Saturday digging lilies out of Uncle Dave‘s yard, and my Sunday visiting with family for the Easter holiday.  Our Sunday started at Mt. Olive’s Sunrise Service and then I got to go home and make rolls to take to Matt’s parent’s house. After…

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Social Media and Ag

Yesterday I participated in the #AgChat about Social Media in Agriculture. It was a super interesting 2 hours of conversation. I got to see how other agvocates make use of social media for their brands, causes, and general ag awareness. What really struck home for me in this conversation is that we all share our…

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Old Time Recipes

We recently received a large collection of books from my Uncle Scott. Most of those books were agriculture yearbooks. There were books from the earliy 1900s all the way up to the 1990s. Now those books are actually for my husband, but I found 1 book that was calling my name. It was a copy…

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