The Communique Layout
Popularized by Rhonda Dort, who uses the layout in her classes, the Communique Quilt Layout works for both featuring large fabric and panel pieces, as well as a basis for multiple block designs.
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About Me
Welcome to Mouse in My Pocket! I'm Andrea, a web developer living in rural America with her husband and daughter. I'm excited to share my life with you as I explore some of the great things about living in the middle of nowhere. Be sure to check out the blog below to see a few of the things that are speaking to me right now.

On the Blog
Friday Favorites
It’s finally Fall! That means I get to appreciate some of the things I love without being “out-of-season.” Now, I know pumpkin is overdone, and we don’t need pumpkin spice everything, but I have to give a shout out to the fabulous pumpkin cream cheese muffins I made this week, thanks to a recipe from…
Read MoreWIP Wednesday
It’s slow with the tiny human as an assistant, but I managed to piece together the top left section on my communique baby quilt. It measures 22×22-inches, which isn’t much, but it makes Milli very happy. I’m hoping that I can distract her with this finished section while I work on the next one. What…
Read MoreMental Health Monday – Just Breathe
I’ve been having lots of small panic episodes lately, and I’m not sure if they are related to changes in my medication, or because I’m actually focusing on my anxiety in an attempt to deal with it. Fortunately, I’ve only had one very bad panic attack so far this month, and we will hope it…
Read MoreWIP Wednesday
I’m taking a break from last week’s work in progress until I can pick out backing fabric and thread for quilting it. So I finally cut into the stack of blue fabrics I’ve been hoarding to make a sample of the Baby Communique Quilt. I started out by cutting out all of the strips and…
Read MoreMental Health Monday
Living in the rural Midwest, I often feel that mental health issues are a bit of a taboo topic, as are some of the more alternative methods of treating these illnesses. For instance, many people now look to use CBD products from a company such as Gold Bee to help manage their symptoms, but nobody…
Read MoreWIP Wednesday
This week’s project is another baby quilt. It’s pieced with brightly colored scraps from a variety of fabric lines. The block concepts are from Cluck Cluck Sew’s Squares and Strips quilt tutorial, which I have made several times. However for this one, I did the blocks at half-size, so they finish at 4-inches instead of…
Read More#EyeCandyProject 52- Weeks 33-36
Week 33 BloomThe fall clematis is in bloom and taking over the fence around the duck coop. Week 34 NightNight at my house usually involves an exhausted mama and a two-year-old without an off switch. Week 35 Mobile PhotographyI use my mobile to take more photos than I would like, particularly since my phone doesn’t…
Read MoreRoad 15 Quilt
I’m so excited to have finished this quilt! My sister is 38 weeks pregnant, so the baby could come any day, and I wanted to make sure that baby will have a quilt just like big sis. Fabrics 1 Charm pack of Road 15 by Sweetwater for Moda 1.5 yards of Soothing Swirl in Crimson…
Read MoreWIP Wednesday
I’ve taken a short break from working on my spooky fall quilt this week to do a baby quilt for my sister. She’s due to have a baby in a couple weeks, so I really needed to get her quilt done. I’d already done one quilt for her oldest, so I wanted to keep the…
Read MoreSunday Stash
I made a trip down to The Village Mercantile in Boonville, IN this week and found the perfect fabric for the next baby quilt. The front of the quilt will use a charm pack of Road 15 by Sweetwater for Moda and a coordinating burgundy swirl print that I found. The back is cream yardage…
Read MoreWhat I’m Reading
While I still don’t get to read quite as much as I would like, Mil is becoming a bit more independent, which is allowing me to be able to do more things for me, including reading. I’ve been even able to finish four books in the last couple of months. Recently Finished From the Mixed-Up…
Read MoreStrawberry Jam Baby Quilt
One of the nice things about getting a new niece was that it gave me a reason to get back to sewing after my 2+ year hiatus following Mil’s birth. My sister-in-law is having a baby girl in October and I didn’t want to be the aunt who made a quilt for the first baby…
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